Kay Shen's Raw Photos

Katrina Team 25

March 4-11, 2007
Want a hi-res photo? eMail me with the row & number/desc!

Let's head for warmer clims!

Buddies already!

Get me outta here!

Don't think I'll need the wheelchair..

Say buh-bye!

Do I trust Brad?

A drive-through to boot?

Ok, it was pretty good!

Good enough to buy a shirt!

This is too funny!

I LOVE this bunny!

Wonder if the Kroger guy will get upset

He is!

I've always wanted to try one of these?

NOrleans, here we come!

9th Ward

9th Ward

9th Ward

9th Ward

The Superdome

Fun at the Riverwalk!

The Big Easy

Infamous Burbon Street



Let's get out of here!

Samaritan's Purse - Bayou Talla

They didn't bring my Volt!

First glimps of Vennis Skiles new home

Putting on Tyvek

Yet another job prospect...

Starting the rafters

Angela hard at work

Nicholson Ave. now

Nicholson Ave. now

Nicholson Ave. now

Nicholson Ave. now

Nicholson Ave. now

Nicholson Ave. now

Nicholson Ave. now

Nicholson Ave. now

The new I-90 bridge!

The toilet still stands!

Josh is sooo kuel!

Finishing the rafters

Decking, with the California boys

Vennis Skyles (Vinny)


Carol loves this!

Shingles going on

A new subfloor!

NRC Ladies Quarters

Sure smells better than the guys!

This could be a father/daughter banquet!


The Honeymooners




Say Buh-bye!

Nashville, watch out!

Now this was a trip!

1/2 hour

1 hour

1.5 hours

We give up!

1/2 hour

That was good!